To understand how to work towards our dreams we have to first evaluate what burnout looks like because you can’t avoid something if you don’t know what to watch for.
Understanding burnout
Well, it can look very different for everyone! There is really a scale of burnout and some people start at the bottom and move up and some people jump right to the top in a big, explosive episode.
For the sake of understanding burnout and what it looks like we will refer to these different results as levels but keep in mind these can be different for different persons and can come in different orders.
Level 1 Procrastination
The first thing that happens to most people when they are beginning to burnout is procrastination. You start putting off the tasks that you need to do whether or not those are the specific tasks that are making you feel burnt out.
Level 2 Cutting corners
You have finally got the motivation to perform the tasks you were procrastinating and now you are completing the tasks. However, when you are starting to burnout you start to cut corners. Your work stops being the same high quality because you are burning out from it.
Level 3 Anger towards work
About halfway through a burnout a lot of people start feeling anger and resentment towards their work. That can either be at their company, their boss, their specific tasks, their job role, etc.
Level 4 Giving up on your dreams
Giving up on your dreams can look like quitting your job, changing your college major, shutting down your business, stopping working out, etc. Whatever your dream is that you were working towards that was causing the burnout.
What causes burnout?
1. Not knowing your path: A factor that can cause you to burnout is not actually knowing your path.
If you don’t know where you are headed in your life or if you have a dream but don’t know the path to get there, it can be exhausting and mentally draining.
2. Overambitious goals: The final thing that can really cause burnout is being way too ambitious with your goals.
Trying to work four jobs to get debt free in one year? Trying to lose 40 pounds in a month? Trying to become the CEO of a Fortune 500 company by 30?
Those kinds of super-ambitious goals can push you too hard and make you burn out before you can get anywhere near them! Setting high goals and dreaming is important but make sure that your goals are not so crazy that they destroy you while you are trying to achieve them.
How do you avoid burning out?
Tip 1. Do tasks with a purpose
If you do not know the purpose or reason behind tasks then those specific tasks are significantly more likely to burn you out.
This may involve asking yourself or your boss some important questions about why you are doing certain tasks. But asking those questions can lead to getting helpful knowledge and insight that can help you not burnout.
Tip 2. Spend time with loved ones
Spending time with loved ones is the best mental way to help avoid burnout.
If possible, try to commit a no-work day once a week (most commonly people choose Sunday) and focus the whole day to spending time with your family and friends.
If you don’t live near loved ones then try to make sure and visit as often as you can and make frequent calls back home.
Tip 3. Disconnect for at least an hour a day
Disconnecting from your phone and email for at least an hour a day gives your brain some much-needed rest from work and can do a lot for keeping you from burning out.