Project outputs
1) A set of 250 exemplary case studies of safe return to workplace practices across a variety of industries, cultures, and geographies
2) A Visual Interactive Dashboard hosted by Arizona State University that enables companies, organizations, and other stakeholders to understand the testing and contact tracing trends and practices by industry, geography, or institution size
3) Communities of learning for companies and stakeholders who are bringing their workers back to the physical workplace -- what works, and what does not?
4) Curated conversations hosted by Arizona State University's Decision Theater scenario planning facility, geared toward longer-term planning for how to navigate worker safety in any pandemic
For people to return safely to the workplace, and remain at work, a variety of strategies tailored to different industries and environments will be needed. Strategies and frameworks for returning and remaining safely at the workplace then need to be implemented and refined using real-world evidence. The speed at which we need to reopen economies and return workers to critical industries necessitates coordinated sharing and refinement of best practices by workers, employers, policymakers, front-line institutions and governments. The specifics of how testing is integrated throughout return to the workplace efforts will impact investments not only in the diagnostics sector, but in digital tools and technologies that collect and integrate various sources of data in formats relevant for appropriate access by individuals, clinicians, public health authorities, researchers, and innovators.