More than half of Brits admit to browsing for new jobs while they are meant to be working, a new study has shown.
About 54% of Brits have browsed recruitment websites during work hours, according to research by independent jobs board CV-Library. Alongside this, 57.7% of the 1,700 surveyed say they don’t feel guilty about it.
Nearly 80% of those surveyed said working from home during the coronavirus has made it easier for them to look for a new job.
Research from CV-Library’s website also revealed that 11am is the most popular time to canvas for new jobs, with Monday also being the busiest day for job hunting.
The recruiter analyzed millions of data points between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2020 to understand the popular times for traffic.
Other revelations were that nearly half (49.1%) of Brits have used a work laptop, computer, or mobile to look for new work.
Alongside this, two-thirds (66.3%) said they prioritize their job hunt on weekdays rather than weekends; four in 10 say this is because they feel more focused during working hours.
One in 10 people also said that they look during working hours because they feel too tired after work. 7.7% of all applications are between the hours of 10am and 11am, according to the analysis.
“There’s no doubt that it’s a really competitive time for job hunting. You may find yourself looking across different job sites at all hours of the day to try and find a role that’s relevant, but it’s important to search smartly,” advises Lee Biggins, founder, and CEO of CV-Library.
“Average application rates have soared, so it’s a good idea to get to grips with the recruitment process and what’s expected of you. Plus, there’s no use applying to every job for the sake of it – you need to tailor your application for every different role you apply for,” says Biggins.
“Set up alerts so you’re notified whenever a relevant job is posted and make sure your network is aware that you’re looking for a role. If you are still working, try to remain professional and be discreet – you don’t want to rock the boat, especially at this time,” advises Biggins.
More than 60 per cent of London firms expect to lay off some of their furloughed employees, a survey has said, in a sign of the wave of unemployment that is to come.
The Lloyds Bank business barometer found that just under one in five London firms who have used the scheme expect to bring back more than 90 per cent of their staff from furlough. That means more than 80 per cent of the companies are planning to make staff redundant as the government winds down the job retention scheme.
The barometer also said an enormous 75 per cent of the city’s companies are currently using the furlough scheme. This means that overall, more than 60 per cent of London companies plan to let some staff go.
On a brighter note, the Lloyds barometer showed that confidence among London firms rose in July as the economy opened up. It hit minus 21 on Lloyds’s gauge, up 10 points from June.
“The reopening of the hospitality and retail sectors will have contributed towards this month’s less pessimistic outlook,” said Paul Evans, regional director for London at Lloyds.
Yet he added: “A great deal of uncertainty and concern for the future remains across all sectors, tempering the overall mood.”
Weak demand adds to London unemployment woes
London’s businesses reported weak demand for their services and products in July, although the picture improved slightly month on month.
Continued social distancing poses a problem for London’s businesses, especially in the enormous hospitality sector, the survey showed. More than a quarter of firms said they could not operate at full capacity while remaining Covid secure.
The government’s generous job retention scheme that pays 80 per cent of “furloughed” workers’ wages is gradually being wound down. In August, employers will have to start paying national insurance and pension payments for their staff.
But just 18 per cent of London companies said they would keep more than 90 per cent of their furloughed staff.
Hann-Ju Ho, the senior economist at Lloyds, said: “How businesses will continue to respond to the job retention scheme will be key in the coming months.”
The UK’s budget watchdog’s “central scenario” said unemployment is likely to hit 8.8 per cent this year. That would put 3m people out of work.