Working from home is leading to increased burnout among many employees, according to data from Monster. It found that 69% of employees are experiencing burnout symptoms while working from home, according to a poll this month of 284 US workers. That’s up from 51% in May.
In addition, workers are taking less time off. Monster’s poll found that 59% said they are taking less time away from work than they normally would. In fact, 42% of workers this month said they are not planning to take time off or vacation time; that compares to 52% who said the same in a similar poll in May.
Still, remote work is drawing attention from job seekers. Monster, citing separate data from the week of July 6 to July 12, said the word “remote” saw its highest search levels in the past 14 weeks. It’s now in the top 10 locations searched on Monster. “The spike indicates that work from home is settling in as the new normal for job search and employment,” according to the company.
Looking ahead at returning to work, a separate poll by the American Staffing Association found that 79% of US employees are satisfied with their employer’s pandemic-related return-to-work plans.
Baby boomers were the most satisfied at 85% while millennials were nearly as satisfied at 82%. The least satisfied were members of Gen Z at 62%.