Reasons to keep up with your job search during the summer
When it comes to the tech job search, employers will be focused on meeting their business goals irrespective of the time of the year. So, there are some reasons that you shouldn’t put a halt to your tech job search during the summer. And, here we have listed some of these reasons as suggested by experts.
#1 Competition is low
A majority of job seekers could decide to give a break to their job search during the summer for various reasons such as busy schedules or the misconception that companies will not hire during the holidays. Eventually, there will be a plunge in the competition in the number of candidates looking for a job. And, there are increased chances for you to be among the few candidates reaching an employer during the summer, which will increase your possibility to be hired by the employer.
#2 Companies are still hiring
Many job seekers believe that companies give a break to their hiring process during this time of the year. But this is a major misconception. Businesses do not change their halt hiring schedules throughout the year but intensify the same at some point in time. Tech companies that are ambitious to achieve their business goals and reach new heights will not slow down their hiring process. And, these companies could be looking for fresh talent to help them boost their business.
#3 Employee perks during holidays
During summer, when the sun is shining bright, it could be challenging for employees to be productive. To motivate them, employers might provide some attractive employee perks as a token of appreciation of their hard work throughout the year. These include flexible working hours, extended long weekends, weekly refreshment cart, team outings, a relaxation in the dress code, and more.
#4 More networking opportunities
While there are holiday parties, community events, open houses, etc. hosted by employers, there will be a lot of networking opportunities. If you are looking forward to a new job, then you can use these events to network with others and get new contacts. You will be able to exchange business cards and ensure that your name is marked in a subsequent hiring process during the holidays. Given that not many people will be a part of the job during the pandemic season, it will be a great opportunity for aspiring job seekers.
#5 Opportunity to serve seasonal jobs
Seasonal jobs are temporary jobs that recur around the same time each year. Businesses with more customers hire seasonal employees during specific seasons for extra help during the busiest times. During the summer, you can look out for such seasonal jobs by networking, applying early, and considering a slew of options available for you. Having said that, the summertime is ideal to get such seasonal jobs. And, during the same, you will also get chances to make it your permanent job and save for your additional requirements.
If Remote Work Is Not Working, You Might be Doing it Wrong
Working from home is going well for some and not well for others. However, there is a general trend among most Americans currently working remotely that suggests remote work is going well, and people want to continue doing so after the pandemic.
If you or your company is struggling to operate and manage a remote workforce, you might want to check out these tips from experts from a New York Times article. Researchers have found some key ways that employers and managers can adjust workplace routines to best help workers and the company.
The biggest mistake companies are making with their remote workers is that white-collar offices have carried over the same conventions from the physical office. Many are realizing that this does not work well.
For remote workers, companies need to change the way they work, and in some cases, utilize new routines and methods of managing a workforce. It is also crucial to remember that most people’s work-from-home situations are not typical remote work because we are in the middle of a pandemic—which adds extra stressors to the worker.
“There’s a natural pull, even in these times, not to figure out how to operate in this new world but how to replicate the old world in the new conditions,” said Leslie Perlow, a professor of leadership at Harvard Business School. “The longer this goes on, my optimism increases because I think people are being forced to figure out innovative ways.”
Still, workers are generally satisfied with remote work. In most surveys, most say that even when it is safe for offices to reopen, they want to return only part of the time and continue working remote several days a week. This means employers will need to really rethink and reinvent the ways they reach their workers and facilitate workplace culture.
For many companies, solutions include adjusting meeting agendas, allowing workers to be more flexible with work hours, and finding balances between the company’s and the workers’ needs.
For example, Microsoft is allowing workers to build their work schedule how they see fit for themselves but restricting internal meetings to a 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. period to accommodate people on both coasts and allow people to schedule a time for childcare needs.
The article lists five things executives and researchers can change for remote office workers to work well:
Distinguish Time for Work and Non-Work
For some people, working from home can mean difficulty separating home life from work life. Companies should encourage workers to get in a work-from-home routine where there is a designated start and end to the day. Employers and managers also need to focus more on the work that gets done rather than on the time spent logged on, and make clear that they do not expect messages to be answered immediately.
Judge Performance, Not the Schedule
Related is the idea that employers need to focus on the work done instead of the number of hours workers spend in the “office” or online. Give the worker an assignment, let them know a deadline, and leave it up to them to figure out “how” to best get it done.
Slash Meetings
Not all meetings are really necessary. You should decide on which meetings are most needed and replace others with check-ins, phone calls, and even emails. Add in breaks for long meetings, and try to keep meetings short.
Connect Colleagues
Office friendships are important to workplace culture, and they can also help productivity levels. Employers and managers should facilitate opportunities for workers to have video chats or phone calls or even socially distant walks so they can talk not only about work but about life as well.
Include Everyone
Remote work can make people feel excluded and out of the loop. If you have remote employees, you need to make an effort to fill them in and build relationships with them. This is especially important for new workers.
Remote work is not going away anytime soon. In fact, it might be growing in popularity. Employers, managers, and bosses need to recognize that in-office systems do not work well for remote workforces, and adapt accordingly.