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How to properly negotiate for a Pay Raise


The average annual pay raise in the United States was only 3.1% and that was the highest it had been since 2008. The inflation rate for that same year was 2.3%, which means the average person only had a net increase of 0.8% in their actual purchasing power. It is a commonly accepted fact that job-hopping is a much faster way to increase your salary than working a long time at a single company. However, this may not be practical, for example, you may work in a small market or are limited by geographical area. This doesn’t mean you have to settle for little to no pay increase. If you’re continuing to work, get experience, and get better at what you do, then you are becoming more valuable and you should be compensated for that. But the problem for many people is having the right approach, here I share some tips on how to make a solid case for getting a pay increase:

Document Everything

Demonstrate Growth

Be proactive

Things to avoid

Avoid Giving Ultimatums

Don’t get emotional


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