Pretty much the title.
I am due for an annual raise in February. I received an amazing performance review. I really like my company and the work. My boss is great. I did receive a 25% bonus at Christmas for my 2021 performance. I work in business/tech/finance. We had record revenue in 2021 and my work is a big part of that.
Now they're saying that even though they love me, want me to be moving up the ladder, etc...we're going to do a compensation analysis within the next 6 months so there won't be any raises until that's done.
This feels like a punch in the belly, especially since inflation is stupidly high right now and even though that's not my boss' problem, it IS my problem. And a glowing performance review about how great I am doesn't pay my bills.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
It could be used to say you’re all overpaid no raises, it could also mean a massive correction in your favor is coming.
You can do your own compensation study, ie interview for some jobs and see if you get offers and how much they are.