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I forgot I had an interview today

 Basically the title. I got up, showered, and put on comfy clothes in preparation for a quiet Monday working from home. At 10 am my phone alarm goes off telling me I have a home interview at 10:30! Normally I put a "personal appointment" in my work outlook calendar, but I forgot.

Cue mad searching of my email to find which position I'm interviewing for today. I've had a lot of interviews in the last 4 months, and I cannot keep the companies straight.

I rush and let my husband know so he can get snacks and not be seen on camera.

In 15 minutes I am dressed with hair and makeup done. I have 10 minutes to find my list of questions and look up the company again.

It turned out to be one of the best interviews I've had. I didn't have time to overthink it. The best part was midway through the interview she starts telling me about a different position and asking me questions about my qualifications for it. We both think it's a better position. She had me apply then and there (yay LinkedIn easy apply button). She said she would tell HR this counted as the screening interview and would have them set up the next round of interviews with the team.

I also thought that I would have to move from Maryland to Seattle, but I can stay remote! I wasn't against the move other than it's a huge pain in the ass to move across the country.

Basically, it was a wild ride of morning that made me laugh with how it turned out.

Lesson 1: remember to add interviews to your calendars

lesson 2: don't overthink shit like I do most of the time. It sometimes works out better


In meeting notes it's always wise to put as much information about the event as possible. It helps when you schedule something 4 weeks in advance and forget what it was all about the day of.

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