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4 Soft Skill That You Need When You Started Freelance

 Freelance is one of the popular jobs today. especially 2 years ago when an epidemic of Covid. there are too many companies laying off their employee over the world. the most impactful company is the retail and manufactured. because they have many employees. but when too many companies lay off their employee over the world. many of the employees switch off to being freelancers.

When we won't start to be a freelancer, at least we should have 4 soft skills to be ready to compete with others. because there are too many freelancers out there with different skills and services. so here is 4soft skill that we should have.

Language is the most important thing to communicate. especially English. because we’ll have clients over the world. and most of them will use English as their language. at least we must understand English so that our project with prospective clients runs smoothly.

2. Public Speaking

Other than mastering another language. we should have good public speaking. with good public speaking, you can make answer any question about the project with the client. you can hear the client's desire and you can give an answer or a solution. till there is harmony between you and your client and avoid miss communication.

3. Problem Solving

After you hear your client's desire, it’s time to solve the problem and make the goals. don’t forget to report every change from the project you’ve done. so that you avoid changing the work you’ve done a lot. don’t forget to give suggestions and solutions for your client for a better result.

4. Learning New Things

Never stop learning. every day will be a new lesson, a new experience. you can take the lessons from the experience even the mistakes. so you will grow fast in your skill.

So don’t forget to learn about the 4 soft skills besides you have your basic skill to be a freelance. On another side, there’s an attitude that will beat knowledge. even if you are a newbie but have the attitude better than you pro but didn’t have the attitude.

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