Productivity tips are everywhere, but most people don’t know how to put them into practice. They need more than just a list of things to do. They need a strategy for getting things done and staying productive over the long term.
Do the hardest thing first.
One of the most important productivity hacks is always doing the hardest thing first. When you do this, it makes all other tasks easier, which can make you feel more relaxed and less stressed.
You will be able to enjoy your day knowing that you have accomplished something big and important. If you don’t do the hardest task first, then there’s always a chance that it won’t get done at all.
If the idea of starting with such an intimidating task seems daunting, try breaking it up into smaller steps until it doesn’t seem so bad after all!
Take a break every 90 minutes or so.
The brain is a muscle, and just like any other muscle in your body, it needs to be rested. Taking breaks every 90 minutes or so will help you stay focused and energized throughout the day.
This can be as simple as standing up for a moment and stretching, or taking an actual break outside to get some fresh air.
Take at least a few minutes off from whatever task you’re doing if possible so that when you come back to it, you can start fresh instead of being distracted by what happened before or feeling drained from staying on task too long without stopping.
Set a timer.
If you know you’re going to procrastinate on a task, it’s helpful to set a timer for yourself and work until the alarm goes off.
That way, you can force yourself to focus on that project or chore even when your mind might be wandering off in other directions.
You should also break up your tasks into chunks and set timers accordingly. For instance, if it takes me 20 minutes to write an article like this one, I’ll tell myself that I only have 20 minutes left before taking a break from writing; at the end of those 20 minutes, I’ll feel more motivated (and less stressed) about getting back into my articles again because there’s no pressure for me to finish them all in one go!
Give yourself immediate rewards.
One great way to stay on track and get things done is to give yourself immediate rewards. This can be anything from a treat (like chocolate) or a few minutes of downtime with your favorite TV show.
The idea behind this is that if you give yourself something immediately after finishing a task, you’ll continue to follow through on your goals easily because the reward will motivate you more than anything else.
For example: Let’s say you want to get up an hour earlier each morning so that you can work out before work. To keep motivated and keep going with this new routine, reward yourself with 20 minutes of watching your favorite show while eating an apple once every other day after working out for two weeks straight!
Learn to touch type.
Touch typing is a skill that can help you get things done faster. You can learn to touch type in just a few minutes, and it’s much easier to type on a keyboard than it is to peck away at your phone screen.
Once you have the hang of it, it will also be easier for you to type without looking at the keyboard.
If you are using a laptop, try using one with an adjustable backlit keyboard so that you don’t strain your eyes unnecessarily when working in dim light or at night.
This can save time since typing under such conditions takes longer than usual due to having less visibility — and thus more mistakes!
Keep a not-to-do list.
A not-to-do list is a useful way to combat distraction since it helps you remember what needs to be done. Write down everything that has any impact on your life, whether it’s tasks or habits.
It might help to start with things you want to stop doing: turn off notifications on your phone and computer; don’t check Facebook until after lunch; put away all devices before bedtime.
Then move on to things that need doing: make sure the garbage gets taken out every week; update spreadsheets every month; see a chiropractor twice a year for stretching exercises for back pain (if applicable).
You can review this list regularly and delete items that no longer apply — or add new ones as they come up!
Split your work into smaller chunks.
I know I said you should do one thing at a time, but there are times when it’s okay to multitask. If you have a long task that requires you to sit down for more than 90 minutes, then it’s best to split that task into smaller chunks.
For example, if your project involves writing an article or report and taking photos of the locations where the article was written, then try setting up two timers: one for writing and one for photo capturing. When either timer rings, stop what you are doing and switch over to doing something else until your next scheduled break arrives (or as needed).
This way, even though each activity takes longer than expected because they were split into two different categories on my list (and thus require more time), both tasks will get done faster than usual since they were broken down into smaller pieces instead of being tackled in their entirety at once.
Start saying no more often.
You need to learn how to say no. In fact, you should be saying it more often than yes.
Saying “yes” all the time is a good way for your productivity and effectiveness to plummet because it drains you of precious energy and time that would be better spent on things that really matter.
So many people struggle with saying no because they feel like they are letting people down or being rude by rejecting an offer, but this is not true at all!
If someone asks you for something and you don’t have the time or energy for it (or it simply isn’t important), then politely refuse by explaining why. Don’t apologize — you aren’t doing anything wrong by showing respect towards yourself in this way!
Create an environment that encourages productivity.
A tidy, organized workspace can have a big impact on your productivity. Keeping your desk clear of clutter will help you stay focused and not get distracted by non-essential items that may be lying around.
Make sure to organize your workspace so that everything is easily accessible, but not too close to each other.
You want to create an environment where you feel comfortable working and are able to concentrate on getting things done as efficiently as possible — keep the room tidy and clean, well-lit (in case you need a little extra light), quiet, and distraction-free (if possible), cool if it’s hot outside or warm if it’s cold outside (depending on what season it is).