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Why there aren’t More Women in Tech


Upon arriving in Norway, I was initially pleased to see that the workplace was dedicated to treating employees fairly, regardless of their race, age, or gender. However, I couldn't help but notice that men were being paid more than women, especially in areas like technology. This disparity left me feeling frustrated and questioning whether this was a gender or tech issue, especially with Scandinavia being known for its progressiveness in terms of gender equality. 

While there have been attempts to integrate women into the workforce, society's pre-established model was created by men and for men. This model fails to take into account that half of the population operates on a 28-day cycle, whereas the collective assumes everyone has a 24-hour rhythm. As a result, women's biological traits are disregarded, and the work setting mistakenly assumes equality between genders. 

The average man has a set amount of energy that replenishes each day, whereas women's energy levels vary depending on their monthly cycle, which is in sync with the moon. In societies where everyone is leveled according to the rhythm of a man, menstruation is viewed as a nuisance or taboo and perpetuates the idea that women's monthly cycle is an inconvenience. However, menstruation is a sign of health, and it's essential to recognize its importance and celebrate it. 

In conclusion, to maintain an overall ideal state of health, it's crucial to respect the rhythm of everyone and view menstruation as a celebration. Despite the work structure's base premise, which aimed to provide equal opportunities for all, it's necessary to consider evolving from where we currently stand.

Human evolution depends on how men and women treat each other, as it is through their interactions that the species continues. Creating space and time for oneself is crucial for personal growth and development. In many cases, this is considered a feminine trait. Allowing oneself to simply be and respecting natural cycles is more important than constantly striving to accomplish tasks. Creation comes from this state of being. 

Societies have been historically based on masculine values that prioritize competition and achievement over cooperation and enjoyment, leading to the marginalization and mistreatment of women. While efforts have been made to create equal and fair societies, trying to force women to conform to established cultural norms only further perpetuates the problem. This has led to the masculinization of women, ultimately creating a lose-lose situation for everyone. 

Mothers, in particular, have been forced to enter into a survival mode that requires them to choose between their own personal freedom and their children's well-being. This has resulted in the perpetuation of pre-established values and gender roles being taught to the next generation. It is important to challenge the idea that one gender is inherently superior to another and that certain tasks are meant for specific genders. The work of managing a household and raising a child is just as important as being a CEO, and neither should be valued more than the other. It is important to recognize and appreciate the contributions of all members of society, regardless of gender.

The way we use technology can lead to the depersonalization of individuals, viewing them as mere numbers. Despite technology's potential to save time and energy, we still adhere to traditional 8-hour workdays, limiting our ability to focus on personal growth and development. This limitation stems from a society focused on competition and scarcity, perpetuating violence and inequality toward women. 

Women were expected to compete in professional fields while still managing traditional household duties, leading to physical and mental health consequences. The idea of gender equality further masculinizes women and harms men's sense of identity and purpose in society. The pressure for women to excel in all aspects of life creates an unsustainable expectation, ultimately harming both men and women. Ultimately, it is important to acknowledge and prioritize individual well-being over societal norms and expectations.

There's a belief that technology is not realizing its full potential because it's being utilized in a more masculine way, focused on numbers, segregation, and competition instead of humanization, connection, and cooperation. This perception could explain why there are some gender disparities in tech, with more men than women in the field. However, in societies that prioritize equal opportunities, such as those in Scandinavia, women have the freedom to pursue their interests outside of work, which may not include tech or finance. This choice can result in some discrepancies in the statistics, but fundamentally it reflects individuals making choices that suit their preferences and lifestyles. 

To evolve and find solutions that respect diversity and enhance the best traits of each person, we need to transcend our current baseline assumptions. We need to move towards creating a balanced approach to both masculine and feminine traits, restructuring the connection between time and money, and establishing different models of having, doing, and being. We also need to re-educate ourselves to consistently choose new pathways that will lead to different results. 

Investing in healthy mental habits allows us to turn challenges into solutions and to create a societal model that actively respects the cycle and interests of each person. Instead of directing the energy of the need to compete towards war, we can use it to compete with ourselves and excel as a community. Society is made by each one of us, and if we want to see more women (or other groups) in tech, we must rethink and reorganize our businesses and work models to better fit human beings. Ultimately, this change will lead us to a thriving and inclusive society.

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