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Best Practices For Building An ‘Engaged’ Workforce


Employee engagement is crucial for creating a productive and positive work environment, but it is often lacking. According to Gallup, only a small percentage of employees worldwide are engaged in their work. Research suggests that managers and leaders play a significant role in shaping employees’ attitudes toward work. 

Maura Nevel Thomas, an expert in team productivity and the future of work, suggests that leaders can cultivate engagement by avoiding a “culture of urgency” that emphasizes speed over quality. To be productive, workers need sufficient time to be proactive and make progress on meaningful tasks. In addition, balancing collaboration with undistracted work time can prevent silos from forming within organizations. 

Remote and hybrid work arrangements may change the way people manage their careers, but companies must ensure that these employees have a meaningful work-life balance. Specifically, leaders should encourage employees to disconnect from work during their vacations, which has been shown to improve motivation and offer fresh perspectives. Ultimately, creating a culture of engagement requires a coordinated effort from leaders and employees alike.

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