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I work from home with my cat in my lap and once stayed off-camera in a video call so I could do a face mask. I don't feel I'm missing out on office life as a remote worker.

Starting my career virtually has been the best decision I've made. When I was looking for internships, most of the postings were for work-from-home positions. I couldn't afford to relocate, so I opted for the virtual option. Initially, I juggled an in-person part-time job and classes, so a remote internship allowed me some much-needed flexibility. As I got used to remote work, I found that I preferred it to in-office work. Consequently, I took a full-time remote position as an account executive at FischTank PR in November 2022. Working from home has been great for my mental and physical health, as it allows me to take walks, spend time with my cat, and manage my grad school work in the evenings.

At work, I have set goals for myself, and I communicate regularly with my supervisors via check-ins. I appreciate that my company treats me the same as in-office employees because it shows they trust me to be productive in my own environment. The absence of a long commute and a formal dress code means more time for self-care and cooking, which has brought tangible benefits to my overall well-being.

My day starts with a quick breakfast and answering emails while in my pajamas. I have a timer that reminds me to eat lunch, and I set one for 5:15 p.m. as an indicator to wrap up work at 5:30 p.m. I dedicate certain periods to work and others to leisure, such as exercise, cleaning, and chilling with my cat. I maintain clear work-life boundaries, silencing work notifications outside of work hours.

It took me some time to feel comfortable as a virtual intern, but my colleagues set the tone for chitchat and communication. I appreciate the team-building events that my company organizes because they are scheduled ahead of time, which allows me to prepare accordingly.

Overall, remote work has granted me the flexibility and autonomy I need to excel in my career while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

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