AI executives warn its threat to humanity rivals ‘pandemics and nuclear war’

Artificial intelligence experts have issued a warning that AI models could surpass human intelligence in the near future, and it is crucial to set limits to prevent them from taking control over humans or causing destruction. 
A statement from a group of scientists and leaders in the tech industry, including Sam Altman and Geoffrey Hinton, called for global efforts to manage the risk of AI becoming a threat similar to pandemics and nuclear war. The urgency for guardrails on AI systems has increased as more organizations adopt advanced programs. 
Additionally, a petition by tech executives and researchers has called for a six-month pause in training AI systems more powerful than the latest version of ChatGPT. 
The risks stemming from AI are numerous, including systemic bias, misinformation, malicious use, cyberattacks, and weaponization, all of which should be addressed simultaneously. From a risk management standpoint, it is risky to only prioritize current risks or ignore them entirely. Hinton estimated that AI could surpass human intelligence in as little as five years. 

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