Out-of-work NYC doorman living off Twinkies begs for job outside Tiffany’s

 There just might be a diamond in the rough outside Tiffany’s. NYP reporter Michael Kaplan shares the story of Alfred Carpenter, who has been standing next to the luxe Manhattan store with a sandwich board strapped across his shoulders since June.

“Available for hire,” it reads. “Born in Brooklyn.” It also lists the 67-year-old’s resumé: former doorman, former Ferragamo sales associate. (He keeps paper versions at the ready, too.) Carpenter’s been getting attention — but what he really wants is a job. “A lady came to me yesterday in a Mercedes. She stepped out of the car, wished me the best, and took my resume. I got the car door for her,” Carpenter told The Post. “People walk by and give me a thumbs up. A guy from Germany took my picture. Some people think I’m a movie actor, shooting a movie. I offered to hail a cab for three ladies whose car wasn’t there when they came out. I’m a nice guy who’s had some bad luck.” Though he recently landed occasional work with the MTA, as a weekend test monitor, Carpenter, who is single, told The Post that he needs the kind of solid job he has not had since 2020.

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