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How Coaching Makes A Difference In Leadership Ability And Satisfaction

In a recent conversation with Scott Osman and Jacquelyn Lane, co-authors of "Becoming Coachable" and founders of 100 Coaches Agency, the importance and benefits of coaching for leaders and organizations were discussed.

Coaching provides a unique approach to leadership development that goes beyond traditional methods of delegation and assignment. It creates a space for employees to contribute and grow by fostering their independent thinking and decision-making. By encouraging their growth and providing support, leaders can unlock their employees' potential, and coaching plays a vital role in facilitating this process.

In today's knowledge economy, coaching becomes even more valuable as AI-assisted work becomes increasingly prevalent. The old-fashioned top-down correction approach is no longer as effective in the modern workplace. The skills needed now involve understanding and conceptualization, and individuals are no longer just "hands" but rather "mind workers." This shift requires a different approach, one that encourages people to find meaning and purpose in their work. Coaching helps create an environment where individuals feel motivated to excel in their roles.

It's important to note that executive coaching isn't solely about self-improvement or managing emotions. Its purpose is to drive better business results and enhance collaboration within teams. However, embarking on this journey of improvement requires openness to change. Coaching is a process that encourages individuals to explore new ways of doing things, and a willingness to adapt and try new approaches is essential.

When deciding who should receive coaching, it's crucial to view it as a strategic business investment. Identifying the value-creating roles within the organization is the first step to ensure that coaching will have a significant impact. Once those roles are identified, senior leaders should assess potential candidates for development based on their openness to coaching, feedback, action, and accountability. A genuine passion for their job and a willingness to bring their best every day are also essential qualities to consider.

However, not everyone is a suitable candidate for coaching. Some individuals may lack the necessary commitment to the organization, while others may resist coaching because it challenges their existing beliefs and ways of doing things. It's important to remember that personal self-awareness is a key aspect of coaching, and being open to feedback is crucial.

Coaching offers the most significant benefits when leaders take the initiative to engage in coaching themselves. By setting an example and embracing change, leaders create an environment where employees feel safe to address their problems and challenges openly. This collective approach fosters collaboration and allows the entire organization to thrive.

The journey of coaching is a shared one, where intellectual humility and a desire to improve are celebrated. Leaders who are willing to ask for help, acknowledge that they don't have all the answers, and seek support create a culture where people can work together toward success. This collective effort unleashes the collective power of the organization, propelling it to new heights.

Leaders who embrace coaching for themselves experience increased happiness and fulfillment, and they are more likely to share their success with others. The liberating realization that they don't have to carry the burden alone empowers leaders to seek support and create an environment where everyone can flourish.  

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