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Recent data shows AI job losses are rising, but the numbers don’t tell the full story


 Elon Musk predicts that artificial intelligence (AI) will render human employment unnecessary, and recent data from ResumeBuilder indicates that 37% of business leaders have already replaced workers with AI, with 44% forecasting layoffs due to AI efficiency in 2024. However, some experts, such as Julia Toothacre from ResumeBuilder and Alex Hood from Asana, believe that these numbers may not reflect the broader business landscape. They argue that while AI is leading to layoffs, it is also enabling businesses to restructure and redefine jobs, ultimately pushing humans towards higher-value tasks. 

Marc Cenedella, founder of Leet Resumes and Ladders, believes that AI tackling task-based work will provide workers with the opportunity to focus on tasks that require integration, structuring, and definition, similar to the shift seen in mid-century office culture when word processors increased efficiency and eliminated the need for typists. Asana's 2023 report indicates that 29% of work tasks are replaceable by AI, but the company advocates for "human-centered AI" that seeks to enhance human abilities and collaboration rather than replace people entirely.

Considering that 34% of the global population still lacks internet access as of 2022, the impact of AI on layoffs and potential work restructuring needs to account for the digital divide. In this context, individuals in white-collar professions have a personal responsibility to continually develop new skills to adapt to the changing work landscape and the integration of AI technologies.

Although AI is leading to layoffs based on current trends, historical evidence suggests that technological advancements have not resulted in mass unemployment in the past. The workforce has demonstrated adaptability and an increase in technological capacity has historically led to higher-value work and greater productivity.  

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