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It's Been 4 Years Since the WHO Declared Covid-19 a Pandemic. Work Has Never Been the SameCovid-19 killed more than seven million people, led schools and restaurants to close their doors, and dramatically changed lives--and work lives--perhaps permanently.

1. **Initial Outbreak and Impact**: 

   - The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic on March 11, 2020. At that time, there were over 118,000 cases and 4,291 deaths across 114 countries.

   - Within a month, the U.S. alone recorded over 500,000 cases and more than 18,600 deaths, leading to drastic measures such as cruise ships being docked, schools shutting down, and restaurants turning to takeout and delivery. Companies also shifted to remote work almost overnight.

2. **Deaths and Vaccine Rollout**: 

   - The U.S. faced its largest annual increase in deaths in 100 years by the end of 2020, and its death toll peaked in January 2021 with over 95,000 deaths. The vaccine rollout began in December 2020, leading to all U.S. adults becoming eligible for vaccination by April 19, 2021.

3. **New Variants and Company Response**: 

   - Unfortunately, new variants emerged in 2021, prolonging the pandemic despite vaccination efforts. Although 2022 saw a decrease in the death rate, companies faced a "culture shock" as they navigated the evolving situation. Some started bringing employees back to the office, while others adopted hybrid and remote schedules.

4. **Current Landscape**: 

   - Even after the WHO declaration of the end of the COVID-19 pandemic as a global health emergency in May 2023, the virus continues to pose a threat, having claimed over seven million lives globally since January 2020. Many companies are still grappling with the enduring impact of the pandemic and are working to adapt to this new normal.  

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