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Let Your Brain Help You Be More Effective At Work

The beliefs and biases we form in childhood can have a significant impact on our adult lives, shaping our hopes, fears, and the way we approach different situations. However, according to Dr. James Doty, the founder of the Stanford Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education and the author of "Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything," there are neuroscience-based practices that we can use to improve ourselves and achieve more.

In a recent conversation, Doty explained that many of the decisions we make, including the jobs we take and the partners we choose, are often a response to the "baggage" we carry from our childhood experiences. He emphasizes that manifestation is not a pseudoscience or a get-rich-quick scheme, but rather "the embedding of an intention with a hope or goal that does, in fact, manifest into reality."

Doty suggests that we may not be fully aware of how we are already manifesting our previously held intentions, whether the results are what we currently prefer or not. He encourages us to take an active role in shaping our mindset, as "you have immense power within yourself, by mind-training, to change your circumstance."

One of the key practices Doty recommends is "dispositional optimism," or the belief that you have unlimited possibilities. He explains that this mindset can have a significant impact on your life, as it changes how you approach the world. Instead of grumbling or blaming others, you treat everyone with respect and maintain a sense of pride and engagement in your work.

Doty also emphasizes the importance of being intentionally present during conversations with your team or colleagues. By making eye contact, leaning forward, and reassuring them, you can create a sense of connection and make them feel valued, which can have a positive impact on their productivity, creativity, and engagement.

Additionally, Doty cautions against the tendency of people who are trying to make a difference to neglect their own self-care. He stresses that you cannot effectively help others if you are not caring for yourself. To avoid burnout, it is essential to recognize and address the "baggage" you carry from your childhood, and to make time for activities that nourish your physical and mental well-being.

Finally, Doty suggests using manifestation techniques, such as meditation, breathing exercises, visualization, and compassion practices, to create positive habits and lay down new neural pathways. By sharing these approaches throughout your organization, you can foster an environment that supports the well-being and success of both employees and the company as a whole. 

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