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America's fastest-growing job, mapped

The wind turbine service technician is the hottest job in the country, with a projected 60% growth between 2023-2033, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you're looking for a career in this fast-growing field, the Dakotas and Colorado are the places to be.

The 2024 U.S. Energy & Employment Jobs Report, along with 2023 census population estimates, show that North Dakota (22.3), South Dakota (20.4), and Colorado (13.4) have the most wind energy-related jobs per 10,000 residents as of last year.

While Texas has the highest number of wind energy jobs overall, at nearly 27,400 (more than double the next-highest state, Illinois, with about 9,400), this could be a result of its huge population. Texas is also a massive producer of wind power, so the demand for workers to keep those turbines spinning is high.

However, it's important to note that the overall number of wind turbine tech jobs is still relatively small, at 11,400 nationwide as of 2023, compared to 349,600 for nurse practitioners, another top-five growth job. The Energy Department report captures a variety of wind-related jobs, whereas the BLS' growth rankings highlight turbine service technicians specifically.

Nevertheless, wind and solar energy are increasingly becoming safe career bets, especially with the federal government pushing them big time. If you're looking to get into a fast-growing field, the Dakotas and Colorado are the places to be for wind energy jobs. 

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