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The Two Best Times of Year to Look for a New Job

 In the past, it might have been common for individuals to work in one job throughout their lives and retire with benefits, but those days are over. On average, people now hold between 12 and 13 jobs during their careers, and a significant number—95% of workers—are planning to search for a new job in 2024. Changing jobs can be beneficial for various reasons, such as higher earnings, a career change, or simply not being satisfied with the current job. If you have the flexibility to time your job search strategically, rather than being forced by circumstances like layoffs, you gain an often-overlooked advantage: the ability to choose when to seek new opportunities.

There are two key periods each year that stand out for job searching: the beginning of the year and after summer. These periods offer distinct advantages.

**Starting your job search at the beginning of the year:**

This period aligns perfectly with the New Year’s mindset of resolutions and fresh starts, making January and February excellent months to launch a job search. Psychologically, the beginning of the year brings a clean slate and motivation to enact life changes. Economically, companies typically finalize hiring budgets in the fall that become active in January. As performance reviews and bonuses are completed by the end of the previous year, employees often pursue other career opportunities, leaving vacancies to be filled. This creates an abundance of open positions and available budgets, making January and February ideal months to search for new jobs if you have the flexibility to wait.

**Checking job listings after summer:**

The next best time for job hunting is after the summer, specifically September and October. The summer months can be challenging because many hiring managers are on vacation, and new hires from earlier in the year are still adjusting to their roles. However, after summer, there is a renewed focus on business objectives and hiring to meet project demands before the holiday season begins. Economically, by this time, companies have a clearer picture of their budgetary capacity, often resulting in increased hiring. Classified ad site Gumtree notes a 16% increase in job listings between July and October. As a result, more jobs become available, increasing your chances of finding a desirable position.

While job postings and hiring occur throughout the year, and various factors influence hiring for specific positions, targeting your job search during these prime periods can significantly enhance your prospects. If you are contemplating a career change or searching for a new role and have the ability to choose your timing, focusing your efforts at the start of the year and just after summer can be highly advantageous. As with many aspects of life, timing plays a crucial role in successful job hunting.  

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