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Are you working yourself to death? Your job won't prioritize your well-being. You can.

The recent news of Denise Prudhomme, a 60-year-old Wells Fargo employee found deceased at her desk four days after clocking in, has sparked conversations about the toll of demanding work environments. Many are left wondering why no one noticed her absence or checked in on her during this extended period.

This tragic incident highlights a broader concern about the overworked and exhausted state of many Americans. As actor Jet Li famously observed, "You're killing yourself for a job that would replace you within a week if you dropped dead. Take care of yourself." While the specific circumstances surrounding Prudhomme's death remain unclear, her passing serves as a stark reminder of the importance of prioritizing employee well-being and fostering a supportive workplace culture.

15 Americans die at work every day

Denise Prudhomme, a Wells Fargo employee, was found dead at her desk four days after she clocked into the office.  
Shanna Lockwood/USA TODAY Sports

In 2022, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics recorded 5,486 workplace fatalities, including homicides and fatal accidents. The thought of 15 people dying at work each day on average in our country is inconceivable.

America’s employees are tired and overworked, with many earning low wages and suffering from job dissatisfaction. Although wages have increased significantly in recent years, the average American still makes less than $60,000 per year.

At one point, I worked three jobs, attended school, and cared for three children. My husband is in the military, often on duty for 12-hour shifts, and involved in military exercises, which left me to be a solo parent much of the time.

I was overwhelmed and exhausted. The only reprieve came from quitting one of my jobs, which led to greater financial insecurity, more family stress, and regret. The silver lining − I wasn't as tired.

Last year, Rep. Mark Takano, D-Calif., introduced a bill that would reduce the standard workweek from 40 to 32 hours. The bill, sponsored by eight other Democrats, was sent to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

Unfortunately, the committee took no action on the legislation. Until something legally changes, we have to exercise agency over our own well-being by setting boundaries in the workplace.

If you're too sick to work, it's simple, just don't go in, right? But more than 1 in 5 workers don't have the benefit of paid sick days. Missing an unpaid day of work often means more stress over paying the bills.

Although more than 90% of Americans have health insurance, nearly half of Americans don't go to the doctor regularly, in part because they lack comprehensive medical coverage. The high cost of medical co-pays and medication also deter people from going to the doctor.

The average American works 260 days per year and accrues around 11 days of paid time off and eight paid sick days. That's a total of 19 days each year you can miss work and still be paid.

But the first time I got COVID-19 in 2021, I was out of work for seven days – with 40 unpaid work hours.

Prudhomme's tragic story should be a reminder to us all to take care of ourselves. Society’s expectation of employees − where exhaustion, overwork, and isolation often go unnoticed until it's too late − is unsafe and outdated.

If we're not prioritizing our own well-being, no one will. We can’t afford to wait for laws to change or for employers to prioritize us over profits. We have to set boundaries and seek balance.

Let’s not wait for tragedy to push us into action. We need to live now.

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