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Calling in sick is now a lot more complicated

 Key Findings:

  • Generational Shift: Gen Z is demanding more flexibility and work-life balance, including increased sick leave.
  • Pandemic Impact: The pandemic has changed attitudes towards sick leave, emphasizing mental health and preventing workplace spread.
  • Presenteeism: While sick leave may be increasing, presenteeism (working while sick) is also on the rise, particularly with hybrid work arrangements.
  • Managerial Responsibility: Effective managers play a crucial role in promoting a healthy work environment and encouraging employees to take necessary time off.
  • Legislation: New legislation in some states is increasing the minimum number of sick leave days.


The article highlights significant shifts in workplace culture, particularly regarding sick leave. The younger generation, Gen Z, is challenging traditional work norms and demanding more flexibility, including the right to take time off when needed. The pandemic has further accelerated these changes, emphasizing the importance of mental health and preventing the spread of illness.

While the article focuses on the US, the trends observed in the UK also reflect similar shifts. The rise of presenteeism, particularly in hybrid work environments, underscores the pressure employees often feel to be constantly available, even when they are unwell.

The article emphasizes the role of managers in fostering a healthy work environment. Effective managers should encourage employees to take time off when needed and prioritize their well-being. However, the article also points out that many managers lack the necessary people skills to create such an environment.

The increasing legislation around sick leave in the US suggests that this issue is gaining attention and that further changes are likely to occur.

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