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How do I move up in my career?


I’ve worked for a utility company for approximately 15 years, and in that time I have basically gotten merit increases and increases related to my education of engineering (natural progression within the company). I have been trying very hard to get into upper management for years now and no one will give me the chance. I’ve applied for 23 positions and only received 2 interviews. 1 interview I believe I was a close second based on what was said to me following.

I have also been told I don’t have management experience before, but I manage tons of contractors and projects so that’s BS. In addition I’ve seen some say that but then they hire someone else with even less management experience than I have.

I see many other people who move up (not all) have less accomplishments and leadership skills. Again there are a few really good leaders but that is the minority. How would I move up here? Do I have to leave? Am I not networking enough? I just don’t quite understand it.

Navigating Career Advancement: A Strategic Approach

Understanding the Challenge

It's frustrating to encounter roadblocks in your career, especially when you feel qualified and dedicated. The lack of promotions and interviews can be demoralizing. However, there are several strategies you can employ to improve your chances of moving up the corporate ladder.

1. Reassess Your Approach

 * Tailor Your Applications: Ensure your resume and cover letters are specifically tailored to each position. Highlight relevant skills and experiences that align with the job requirements.

 * Network Strategically: Build relationships within the company, especially with individuals in upper management. Attend company events, join relevant committees, and participate in volunteer initiatives.

 * Seek Mentorship: Find a mentor who can provide guidance, advice, and support. They can offer insights into the company culture and help you navigate the political landscape.

2. Identify Key Obstacles

 * Skill Gaps: Are there specific skills or competencies that are missing from your profile? Consider taking additional courses or certifications to enhance your qualifications.

 * Cultural Fit: Do your personality and work style align with the company culture? Sometimes, even with strong qualifications, candidates may not fit seamlessly into the organization's values and norms.

 * Political Landscape: Are there internal politics or power dynamics that are hindering your progress? Understanding these factors can help you navigate the organizational landscape more effectively.

3. Proactively Seek Opportunities

 * Volunteer for Projects: Take on additional responsibilities and volunteer for high-profile projects. This can demonstrate your initiative, leadership skills, and ability to handle challenging tasks.

 * Build a Strong Brand: Develop a personal brand that showcases your expertise, accomplishments, and unique value proposition. This can help you stand out from the competition.

 * Consider Lateral Moves: If promotions are elusive, explore lateral moves within the company. These positions can provide new experiences, expand your network, and increase your visibility.

4. Don't Be Afraid to Explore External Options

 * Network Outside the Company: Build relationships with professionals in your industry through conferences, industry associations, and online platforms.

 * Research Other Companies: Explore potential opportunities at other organizations that align with your career goals and values.

 * Be Prepared to Negotiate: If you do receive a job offer, be prepared to negotiate salary, benefits, and other terms to ensure you are getting fair compensation.

Remember, career advancement is often a marathon, not a sprint. By implementing these strategies and persevering, you can increase your chances of achieving your career aspirations.

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