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Ten Of The Most Unhinged Things Doctors Have Told Their Patients

 Bedside manner is important, but it's often missing entirely.

While some doctors have seriously harmed or killed their patients through neglect or mistakes, sometimes they're just plain ol' jerks. Getting dunked on by your doctor is certainly preferable to being maimed or killed, but nobody walks out of the office smiling.

Redditor u/FragmentedTungsten wanted to know about the outrageous things other Redditors have been told by their doctors, and it's heartbreaking how many unpleasant stories popped up immediately.

It's not surprising, but it is still jarring to see how prevalent it is.

More than 4,000 comments cascaded into this Reddit thread, and we had to grit our teeth to get through a lot of them. So to prevent you from fully losing it, we picked out ten instances of doctors really crossing a line.

You don't need to rub it in, Doc

They need a stool softener, not a sick burn

Why are these doctors slut shaming?

Gee, thanks for the update

Definitely didn't expect that question to ever come up in a professional context

Patients should never have to compare themselves to a lawnmower

You're a doctor, not a sailor

Appreciate the candor, but maybe we could just operate now?

That's none of your business — please just treat the pneumonia

A shocking number of doctors don't think of adult women as full people

Via u/FragmentedTungsten.

[Image: Antoni Shkraba]

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