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12 years at Costco, 32 years old. Is it too late for a “real” career?

Sure, the pay is decent for retail (60k), and the benefits are pretty great. Health insurance, 401k, bonuses.

But, the physicality of it is brutal. Standing on concrete floors 8 hours a day, my knees and back feel shot already. The mental aspect is also extremely draining, having to interact with hundreds of customers daily. Costco employees tolerate a lot of abuse, and management could care less.

I really have no desire to move up in the company, and am pretty burnt out of retail.

Would a career pivot to engineering/different major even be worth it, considering I’d be competing with fresh-faced 22-year-old grads?


It's never too late to pursue a new career path. While the prospect of competing with younger graduates might seem daunting, your unique experiences and maturity can offer significant advantages.

Key Considerations:

  1. Your Strengths and Passions:

    • What skills have you developed at Costco? Have you gained leadership, problem-solving, or customer service abilities? These can be transferable to other fields.
    • What truly interests you? Is there a subject or industry that has always fascinated you?
  2. Educational Requirements:

    • Research the educational requirements for your desired field. Are there online courses, certifications, or graduate programs that could help bridge the gap?
    • Consider the time and financial commitment involved.
  3. Networking and Mentorship:

    • Reach out to professionals in your desired field. Seek advice, explore potential opportunities, and learn about the industry's current trends.
    • Consider joining professional organizations or online communities to expand your network.
  4. Career Transition Planning:

    • Create a career transition plan outlining your goals, steps, and timeline.
    • Explore options like part-time education or consulting to gain experience in your new field while maintaining a steady income.

Potential Advantages of Your Experience:

  • Resilience and Problem-Solving: Your experience at Costco has likely equipped you with strong problem-solving skills and the ability to handle challenging situations.
  • Customer Service and Communication: These skills are invaluable in many fields, including engineering and technical roles.
  • Maturity and Work Ethic: Your age and experience can demonstrate a strong work ethic and maturity, which can be highly valued by employers.

While the transition may require effort and sacrifice, your unique experiences and determination can make it a rewarding one. Consider consulting with a career counselor to explore options tailored to your specific goals and circumstances.

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