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People say to find jobs your passionate about. What if your passion doesn't pay enough?

I am a high school student who lives in a extremely expensive area.

I love History, geopolitics, writing, reading, and arguing with people. However none of these things have distinct jobs related to them that pay well that I can achieve. Sure, most of these things will be useful to any profession but they aren't valuable enough on their own to be paid well.

I know their are some well paying jobs that relate to these things (economist, political scientist) that can pay well if you have extensive education like a doctorate and, if you are well connected.

I neither have the means to pursue a masters or a doctorate nor am I well connected.

No, I don't want to teach in any capacity. Not only are teachers or professors not paid enough but I just don't want to have to deal with students. I like arguing, that does not mean I like people.

Similary I don't know how and have no desire to "network" to lie my way into a job I don't deserve. I would for example much rather talk about whether indonesia might become a superpower, or how the US navy can't design a new ships to save its life, then talk about what someone had for dinner last night.

I'm not good with people, and because of that I obviously don't want to teach. And likewise don't want to network, because as stated above, I'm bad with people.

And so it come to my conclusion that the advice to follow your passions is a nice ideal, it doesn't necessarily work in the real world. Because if your passions don't pay enough then what does it matter? I can't see how I, or anyone can trade money or security over some nebulous concept of happiness.

I'm sorry if this is perhaps very blunt. Or if I come across as some jerk or entitled fool.

I... I'm just at my ropes end here. I've looked high and low and yet I can't seem to find anything that would pay me well enough to live and also be something I could enjoy.


Understanding the Dilemma

It's understandable to feel frustrated when advice like "follow your passion" seems impractical. The reality is that many passions, while fulfilling, may not directly translate into high-paying careers.

Exploring Potential Avenues

While your specific passions might not have obvious high-paying career paths, there are ways to incorporate them into more traditional professions:

  1. Combine Your Interests: Consider combining your love of history and geopolitics with a more practical field. For example:

    • International Relations: This field combines historical, political, and economic knowledge.
    • Journalism or Writing: You could focus on historical or political topics.
    • Policy Analysis: This involves researching and analyzing government policies.
  2. Leverage Your Skills: Your skills in writing, reading, and arguing can be valuable in various fields, including:

    • Legal Writing: This involves researching and writing legal documents.
    • Technical Writing: This involves creating clear and concise technical documentation.
    • Grant Writing: This involves writing proposals to secure funding for projects.
  3. Consider Non-Traditional Paths: While traditional careers might not align with your passions, consider exploring non-traditional options:

    • Freelancing: You could offer your writing or research services as a freelancer.
    • Content Creation: You could start a blog or YouTube channel to share your knowledge and insights.
    • Consulting: You could offer your expertise as a consultant to businesses or organizations.

Building a Network

While you might not enjoy networking, it's essential for career advancement. Here are some tips:

  • Join professional organizations: These can provide opportunities to connect with people in your field.
  • Attend industry events: Conferences and workshops can help you expand your network.
  • Leverage online platforms: LinkedIn can be a valuable tool for connecting with professionals.

Prioritizing Your Well-being

It's important to remember that your mental health is just as important as your career. If you're feeling overwhelmed, consider seeking support from a counselor or therapist.

Remember, your passion doesn't have to be your sole source of income. It's possible to find a career that allows you to pursue your passions while also providing financial stability. By exploring different options and building your skills, you can find a path that aligns with your interests and goals.

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