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Turning 30 and I can see the end of the runway. What can I do to not crash?


I am almost 30.

I have been unemployed for the past 4 years. For 2 years, covid was locking down the world. During those 2 years, I also took care of my mom who had received a terminal brain cancer diagnosis.

When she passed, she left me some money. It has been enough to live on for 2 years. When I received the money, I tried to do the right thing. I put some in savings, put some in investments, and spent some to get through the roughest moments of depression.

I also used some of the money to try and set me up for a career. I enrolled in a coding course in the hopes that I would be able to get a decent paying job at the end.

I found coding to be boring, but also interesting enough to stay committed. However, when I finished my course, the reality of the job market became apparent. Massive layoffs in the tech industry, saturated workforce, I don't have a chance with my little course certificate.

I have been applying to jobs all over the place with no luck. 4 years of not working has made it difficult to get the ball rolling again.

I have enough money to live for a year without working. My current monthly expenses are pretty stable at around $2,000.

I really would like to get into tech. Watching my mom go through cancer was a pretty horrible experience. If I could get into tech, not only would I have a decent paying career, I could also work on new medical technology.

It has been so long since I have worked. I have worked manual labor, hospitality, and logistics. Every job was paycheck to paycheck and I am terrified of going back to that.

I have no support system. No parents to turn to if shit gets hard, no friends, and no connections. I am becoming a shut in and my social skills are no where near what they used to be.

I am trying to find a job, any job, just to stop the constant outflow of money. It has been difficult to find anything with a 4 year gap and outdated references.

I wanted to think I was a self made man, but I seriously need some help right now.


Understanding Your Situation

It's important to acknowledge the challenges you've faced. Losing a parent, particularly to a terminal illness, is a significant emotional event. The pandemic and subsequent job market challenges have added to your difficulties. Your desire to find a fulfilling career in tech is commendable, given your personal experiences.

Strategies for Moving Forward

  1. Re-evaluate Your Career Path:

    • Leverage Your Skills: Consider how your previous experiences in manual labor, hospitality, and logistics can be applied to tech roles. For example, problem-solving skills from logistics could be valuable in tech support or project management.
    • Explore Niche Areas: Research specialized areas within tech that might align better with your interests and experiences. For instance, if you're interested in medical technology, look into healthcare IT or biomedical engineering.
  2. Network Strategically:

    • Online Communities: Join online forums, LinkedIn groups, and Discord channels related to tech. Engage in discussions, ask questions, and offer your insights.
    • Attend Meetups and Conferences: Participate in local tech events to connect with professionals and potential employers.
    • Reach Out to Alumni: If you attended a coding course, connect with alumni who might be able to provide guidance or job referrals.
  3. Consider Alternative Paths:

    • Freelancing or Consulting: Explore opportunities to build a freelance or consulting business in tech-related areas. This can allow you to gain experience and potentially lead to full-time employment.
    • Bootcamps or Certifications: Consider enrolling in a shorter-term bootcamp or obtaining certifications to enhance your skills and make yourself more competitive in the job market.
  4. Seek Support:

    • Therapy: If you're struggling with emotional challenges, consider seeking professional therapy.
    • Support Groups: Connect with online or local support groups for people facing similar challenges.
    • Volunteer Work: Engaging in volunteer work can provide a sense of purpose and help you build connections.
  5. Financial Planning:

    • Create a Budget: Develop a detailed budget to track your income and expenses.
    • Consider Part-Time Work: If necessary, explore part-time work opportunities to supplement your income while continuing your job search.
    • Seek Financial Advice: Consult with a financial advisor to discuss your long-term financial goals and strategies.

Remember, it's okay to take time to adjust and find your path. Keep exploring, networking, and learning. With persistence and resilience, you can overcome these challenges and achieve your career goals.

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