New York City residents who find themselves out of work may be eligible for unemployment benefits of up to $504 per week. This maximum weekly benefit has remained unchanged since 2019 due to the state’s unemployment trust fund deficit.
While this amount falls short of the originally planned increases, it still provides crucial financial support for those who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.
To qualify for unemployment benefits in New York, applicants must meet several criteria:
- Have paid into Unemployment Insurance through wages earned at covered jobs during at least two-quarters of the base period
- Earned a minimum of $3,300 in one calendar quarter for claims filed in 2024 (up from $3,100 in 2023)
- Total wages received over the base period must be at least 1.5 times the earnings in the highest quarter
The New York Department of Labor calculates weekly benefits based on the applicant’s earnings during their “base period.” For those with wages in all four quarters, the highest-earning quarter is divided by 26, with a minimum benefit of $143 per week. If earnings were only in two or three quarters, the average of the highest two is used.
The $504 maximum applies regardless of previous earnings. High-income earners who qualify will receive this capped amount. The duration of unemployment benefits in New York is typically up to 26 weeks.
While the current maximum benefit may not fully replace lost wages for many workers, it provides a crucial safety net. Labor organizations like the New York State AFL-CIO are advocating for increases to the maximum benefit to better support working families during periods of unemployment.